Street Lighting Systems

Street Lighting Systems
There are only two types of public street lighting systems; ie multiple and series system. And in this post I will discuss in advance about double the existing systems in street lighting.

Multiple System
Previous type of street lighting was introduced in the suburbs it is a multiple system. It is a system with the average layman is more familiar. This is a common type of wiring in our homes, shops, factories, etc. Because some lights are in parallel, the total current in the circuit is the sum of the current through each lamp. 

Anyone lamp can burn without affecting the others in the system. It is important that the proper voltage is impressed on all the lights; otherwise they may fall under the output live assessed. It is. need to have a heavy wire, a relatively short line, or extra feeders to reduce the voltage drop along the line. Sometimes it is necessary to put a booster or regulator near the end of the line. 

When burned, the filament lamp every gradually evaporate and vapor deposits on the surface of the bulb filament causing blackening. This evaporation causes the filament diameter decreases) thereby increasing the resistance and decreased flow. The output of light, then, of some lamp decreases lifetime due to two related factors - blackened ball and a decrease in light output from the filament.

In the early days there was the so-called "radial feeder" system for lighting some street lights. Under this scheme the power transformer will serve the region or group home and be isolated from the others. Then when something goes wrong, the whole area was in darkness. Also, more than the home is lower transformer and low voltage light output of the lamp.

Under the newer "network" idea, all air conditioning systems and current transformers DC system branches tied together in such a way that the usual failure not materially affect the current supply. For any region. In addition, the voltage across the system more uniform and have less and less violent fluctuations, thus ensuring proper supply voltage to the lamp. Some street lights can be connected through a switch to supply and turned on and off manually, or can be operated as a branch circuit through pilot wire.

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